Senior Open Source Developer

Company: Open Craft

Salary: Not provided

Location: , Anywhere


We are a team of veteran open-source developers, working on educational and community-based projects in an open-first environment – and we are looking for new members. By joining us, you will work full-time on open-source, pushing your changes to free software projects upstream through pull requests, contributing features, documentation, or help on public forums. We care deeply about contributing our work upstream. You will see the results of your work reused and recognized across the educational community, increasing access to quality education for everyone, everywhere.

Technical stack

The Open edX project is a large Python/Django codebase, with good code standards and architecture. Tasks are varied, from developing core platform features, custom exercises and tools for specific courses (XBlocks), customizing and deploying instances, working full-stack, operating our service infrastructure, improving our hosting platform, etc. You won't get bored here. Contracting terms This is a full-time, permanent contract position. We aim for long-term relationships -- once in, almost all team members stay for many years.

We care about paying fairly:

Basic Requirements:

Additional Skills:

You will work on tasks from the following categories, but you can pick up the skills on the job if you haven't mastered these yet:

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