Senior Full-Stack Engineer

Company: NordHealth

Salary: Not provided

Location: , Europe


Company Overview

Nordhealth’s mission is to build software that improves the daily lives of healthcare professionals. We build software that empowers veterinary and therapy professionals to provide the best possible care experiences to their patients. Our products are used daily by over 50,000 professionals in clinics and hospitals across 30+ countries. We excel with 20+ years of experience in healthcare and veterinary software.

Role Summary

We’re now looking for an experienced Senior Full-Stack Engineer with a proven track record in both front-end and back-end development, specializing in Laravel Framework and Vue.js. As a key member of the EasyPractice development team, you will play a pivotal role in our continued growth and success.

Creating great products is at our very core, but it’s the people who make companies great, not the other way around. We spend more time with our co-workers than anyone else in our lives. Being part of an exceptional team is not only important for your personal mindfulness but key for your professional progression.


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