Senior Frontend Engineer

Company: TravelLocal

Salary: Not provided

Location: , United Kingdom


What we do

Working at TravelLocal is pretty special. We get to spend our days connecting with people from all over the world. We help travellers have truly authentic experiences (and give back to the places they visit). We’re changing travel for the better, and having fun along the way.

TravelLocal is one of the most significant online marketplaces for tailor-made travel, with a strong presence in both English and German language markets. With customers in more than 100 origin countries and partners in nearly 100 destination countries, we are using technology to reimagine this sector, pioneering the “buy local” movement in travel.

Expect flexible working, a friendly and engaged team, and the chance to make a real impact.

Role Summary

Are you looking to combine your passion for Software Engineering and travel? Are you eager to constantly learn and develop? Then you will love being part of the TravelLocal team.

We are seeking a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in frontend development, specialising in React, NextJS, and TypeScript.



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