Full Stack Engineer

Company: Humaans

Salary: Not provided

Location: , United Kingdom


About us

Hi, we’re Humaans! We help globally scaling organisations transform their HR processes with a human-centric approach.

At Humaans, we want to empower People teams to create a customisable HR stack by offering flexibility and scalability to seamlessly integrate with other best in class platforms and point solutions, such as Google Workplace, Slack, Okta, Greenhouse, Lattice, DocuSign and more. The stack enables companies to manage employee data, documents, contracts, reporting, and people processes that power your entire HR structure.

We have raised $20 million in VC funding to date. Investors include major tech players such as Lachy Groom; Slack founder Stewart Butterfield; Shopify founder Tobias Lütke; Figma Founder Dylan Field; Linkedin ex-CEO Jeff Weiner; Stripe COO Claire Johnson; Y Combinator; Moonfire; Frontline Ventures; Exor and more.

Our journey is only at the beginning, and we’re looking for people excited about driving real impact. As a human centred company (quite literally), every team member counts - and that’s where you come in.

Role Summary

Our tech stack today consists of TypeScript, JavaScript, ReScript, React.js, Node.js, Postgres and Redis. We use GitHub for code and continuous integration to deploy to Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform. We have a public REST API and our browser client uses a realtime WebSocket API. We obsess over details and quality of the user facing features and their implementation. Yet we move fast by creating focus and leveraging high quality foundations. Clojure, ReScript, Melange and OCaml are some of the languages that get us excited which is why we’ve ventured into exploring ReScript in our frontend stack.


  1. Multiple years of industry experience in a full stack web app development role (ideally in SaaS)
  2. Great knowledge of TypeScript / JavaScript and an appreciation for the language
  3. Appreciation for design and digital product craftsmanship
  4. Experience collaborating directly with product teams and designers, and a proven track record of delivering value to customers or users
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