Developer Advocate

Company: Tiugo Technologies

Salary: Not provided

Location: , Europe


Role Summary

We are seeking a Developer Advocate to join our growing Developer Relations team. This role is designed for a unique individual with a blend of engineering prowess and a passion for creating high-quality technical content. You will be instrumental in shaping our developer outreach efforts, creating impactful content, and fostering a vibrant community around our product.

Your primary mission will be to bridge the gap between the complex world of CKEditor development and front end technology projects. Your work will focus on creating content that will help developers who actively search for answers to the challenges solved by our product as well as inform developers on solving problems posed by Product Owners. You will be pivotal in boosting awareness and adoption of CKEditor by creating compelling, informative, technical content that developers worldwide will be delighted to discover.

What you’ll do:

In this role, you will spend 25% of your time engaging with developers at events in-person and 75% of your time creating content and recording videos.

What you’ll bring:

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